Club Rules.

  • 1.

    “No Bad Days”. This is the town of Cabo San Lucas’ motto and I’d like for us to adapt this. When you come to SVPC bring your positive attitude and realize that in the big picture we all are so blessed to be able to come to beautiful and peaceful southern Vermont to play a silly game that has captivated us. Make sure that you understand missing a dink or even an easy overhead is nothing compared to other’s bigger problems. Just get exercise, enjoy others company, and have fun.

  • 2.

    Please wear your street shoes and change into your sneakers at the club.

  • 3.

    Dress appropriately for a private club. For men, polo shirts or tee shirts- not tank tops. Shorts, sweatpants- not jeans. For ladies, no bikini tops. Shorts, skirts, leggings, or sweatpants are fine.

  • 4.

    Pick up after yourself. Deposit all trash or recyclables in appropriate receptacles.

  • 5.

    Please sign in every time you come to the club. If you have guests, please sign them in as well.

  • 6.

    Pickleball courts are not to be used for anything other than playing pickleball.

  • 7.

    Please arrive at least 10 minutes early for scheduled lessons, clinics, and round robins.

  • 8.

    The director will have the sole authority to revoke anyone’s membership due to unacceptable behavior. He will first warn you. If it continues, he will ask you to leave. You will be given a 1-week suspension and then allowed back. If the behavior recurs, you will no longer be welcome back to the club.

  • 9.

    Refer back to rule 1.